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The Research University Hof asks: What actually is a “Third Mission”?

According to the current Higher Education Act, the basic tasks of a university are research, teaching, study and continuing education. The upcoming Bavarian university reform will focus on a total of three pillars: Teaching and research are the first two pillars, and the third pillar, the so-called “third mission,” is a completely new addition.

Source: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The 2019 target agreement between Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Ministry of Science already states that the university should use its existing research activities to sharpen its own profile, and for this reason is already in the process of establishing the third pillar to promote research transfer. This early action reflects the implementation of the ministerial guidelines at Hof

Third Mission, this new third pillar alongside teaching and research, aims to take the activities of science even further out of the academic sphere and into the wider society. Hof University of Applied Sciences has interpreted this approach for itself in such a way that “the university’s range of services is increasingly brought to the regional economy in order to be able to carry out even more cooperation projects(target agreement with the ministry).”

This is intended to further expand the ongoing transfer of knowledge and projects between the university and business. It simplifies the access of companies to the university and through and with the university they can more easily find new project partners and tap into their know-how

In other words, Hof University of Applied Sciences has set itself the goal of drawing attention to the activities of researchers at Hof University of Applied Sciences more intensively and with new formats. One example of this was the first Dies Academicus in April 2022. Furthermore, the podcast of the Researching Hof University of Applied Sciences should also be mentioned in this context

Anne-Christine Habbel

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