
Hof Energy Symposium 2024 once again a resounding success: conference becomes a fixture in the region

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser und Energie e.V. invited guests to the 5th Hof Energy Symposium 2024 at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) on the Hof campus. The organizers were able to welcome around 70 participants this year. A review of a successful specialist event. [more]

published: 17.10.2024

5. Hof Energy Symposium: Experience the energy supply of tomorrow

The Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe) and the Competence Network Water and Energy e.V. cordially invite you to the 5th Hof Energy Symposium at Hof University of Applied Sciences on September 26, 2024. Participants can expect an extensive program of lectures and networking opportunities as well as an integrated trade and poster exhibition. [more]

published: 27.08.2024