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5. Hof Energy Symposium: Experience the energy supply of tomorrow

The Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe) and the Competence Network Water and Energy e.V. cordially invite you to the 5th Hof Energy Symposium at Hof University of Applied Sciences on September 26, 2024. Participants can expect an extensive program of lectures and networking opportunities as well as an integrated trade and poster exhibition. The one-day event is aimed at interested stakeholders from the field of energy technology and related subject areas.

A place for knowledge transfer and industry discussions: The Energy Symposium at Hof University of Applied Sciences – here a picture of the last event; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The organizers look forward to discussing the challenges and solutions of the future energy supply with you and the speakers from leading companies in the energy sector and professional associations. The focus will be on the areas of energy supply, resource efficiency, cooling applications, municipal heat planning and energy self-sufficiency.

The day’s agenda includes interesting presentations on hybrid combined heat and power plants, battery storage, intelligent building management systems and hydrogen production. The event will be rounded off with a tour of the new ZWE building of the Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe).

Poster exhibition

The Energy Symposium will be complemented by a poster exhibition. Poster contributions will be accepted in a two-stage procedure. Please send us a poster abstract by 23.08.2024 as a pdf file to iwe@hof-university.de. We will then inform you by
31.08.2024 about the admission of your contribution and inform you about the
inform you about the further procedure.

The symposium will take place from 9.00 to 18.00 in the premises of the Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys).

Registration form

Detailed information on the program as well as the possibility to register for the 5th Hof Energy Symposium 2024 can be found here…

Rainer Krauß
Kirsten Hölzel

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