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25 years of public service: Prof Thomas Meuche’s anniversary

Prof Thomas Meuche has been in public service for 25 years. He currently heads the Digital Administration Competence Centre at the Hof campus. In this interview, he talks about the past few years and which moment is particularly memorable for him.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Meuche und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann bei der Verleihung der Urkunde
Prof Dr Thomas Meuche and Prof Dr Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lehmann at the award ceremony; Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences

Prof Thomas Meuche originally trained as a commercial business administrator and then went on to study business administration at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he subsequently completed his doctorate. Prof Meuche also studied environmental sciences at Bielefeld University. His work also included advising banks and industrial companies in the areas of environmental and process management. In March, he celebrated his 25th anniversary with the Free State of Bavaria in the presence of University President Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lehmann.

Prof Meuche, what moment did you particularly appreciate during your career at Hof University of Applied Sciences?

“It was when I became the first system-accredited university during my time as Vice President Teaching – although today I reject the process because of the bloated bureaucracy.”

What do you like about your current job?

“The freedom to openly address unpopular issues.”

Where is your favourite place on campus?

“In my team’s office.”

What topics will you be pursuing in the future?

“Definitely the modernisation and digitalisation of the administration.”

Urkunde zum Dienstjubiläum
Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

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