Inflation and, in some cases, rapidly rising energy prices – everything is becoming noticeably more expensive, even for students. At least for transportation by cab on weekends, however, there is relief for young people in the city of Hof – initially until the end of September 2022. Until then, the test phase for the “Fifty-Fifty Taxi” runs – a normal cab, with the difference that passengers between 16 and 27 years only pay half.

The other half of the fare is paid by the city of Hof as part of the “50:50-Taxi” project, which is currently in its trial phase. The maximum amount that can be reimbursed is 20€ per trip. Between 21:00 and 05:00 from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday, as well as on the eves before public holidays, the offer is valid for people between 16 and 27 years.
The aim of the project is to offer young adults a safe way home after a party night or a visit to a pub and, for example, to prevent accidents due to alcohol-related driving. But restaurateurs can also benefit from the project if the young adults’ route home is more convenient. The test run ends on September 30, 2022.
Participating cab companies
Cab Kaya, Tel.: 0176 62792200Taxi
Frisch, Tel.: 09281 4866Taxi
3033, Tel.: 09281 3033Taxi
8088. Tel.: 09281 8088Taxi
: 09281
This is how it works
Just call the desired cab company and mention Fifty-Fifty-Taxi as well as show your ID card. After the ride, a corresponding form must be filled out, which is available in the cab. It is important that the route is within the city of Hof. Trips with a destination outside the city limits are reimbursed with a flat rate of maximum 8€ per trip.
But how does the “50:50” cab work if the passengers are of different ages? Or if one of them lives outside the city limits?
Then it is important that one of the passengers has the right age and can prove it with his ID. However, the “fifty-fifty ride” is only valid until the moment when the last Hofer gets off. After that, the cab driver must restart the clock when taking customers beyond the city limits.
Several counties offer 50:50 cab
The project is not new: Other counties, such as Wunsiedel and Kulmbach, have already started with the “Fifty-Fifty-Taxi” in the summer of 2019 and had good experiences – until Corona stopped the nightlife. The district of Wunsiedel, for example, reimburses up to 30 euros for a ride.