The regular “Mittagspauseninfos” serve to inform the students of the Hof University of Applied Sciences every Wednesday between 1 and 2 p.m. in the A-Foyer about interesting and exciting topics. On April 26, a real highlight is on the program: With the Hof Film Festival, the Hof Symphony Orchestra, the Hof Theater, the In! Festival and the Hof Cultural Center – Alte Filzfabrik, five cultural institutions present themselves and invite you to participate!

on 26.4.; Image: Official Logos;
Johanna Kimler, how did the idea come about to invite the city’s cultural beacons to campus?
“We want our students to get to know and appreciate even more not only our university, but also the city of Hof with all its variety of cultural offerings. Hof really does have an enormous amount to offer, especially in the field of culture for a city of this size – and we can now show a good part of it at our campus!”
Was everyone on board right away?
“Yes! All the institutions were very happy about the request. There is also a lot of volunteer commitment behind their participation and many have to put their work commitments on hold to be present with us on a Wednesday during the day. However, they are happy to do so because they want to engage our students as well as our staff with what they have to offer. I sincerely hope that many will appreciate this special offer.”
What exactly will take place now – is there a real program?
“To our “Special Edition” of the Lunch Break Info – on Wednesday 26.04. – we explicitly invite not only our students. Our employees can also take away great impressions of the cultural offerings in Hof there during their lunch break. The Theater Hof, the Hof Film Festival, the Alte Filzfabrik Cultural Center and the IN!DIE.musik Festival will all be represented with booths. However, there will not only be information material and the opportunity for personal conversation. The Hof Film Festival will be holding a quiz and the Hof Theater will even be giving away 5×2 tickets to the magical musical Brigadoon as part of the event. At Theater Hof, an actor will also be on hand to talk about current rehearsals and everyday life at Theater Hof.”
The Filzfabrik in particular is known as a rehearsal and concert center rather for loud sounds – can we perhaps even expect audio samples on the day?
“So far, I only know that it will be “loud” at Theater Hof. Otherwise, we may be surprised together!”
Thank you very much – we wish many visitors!