In the winter semester of 2021/22, the new Design & Mobility degree program will start at the Selb Learning Center of Hof University of Applied Sciences, which will focus on the future of transportation. An internationally recognized expert has now been recruited to set up the course, which was initiated in collaboration with the Staatliche Fachschule für Produktdesign Selb: With Lutz Fügener, Professor of Transportation Design and 3D Design, one of the leading minds in his field is moving to Upper Franconia.
The aim is to offer future students in Selb a unique education: Design & Mobility is an interdisciplinary engineering degree program that addresses all issues related to the mobility of the future. In addition to the pure design of the vehicles of the future, for example, changing user behavior is also integrated:
“Probably no other economic sector is currently in such a state of flux as that of mobility. Regardless of whether in the area of the automotive industry specializing in new forms of propulsion, electric-assisted bicycles, or even public transportation systems adapting to new requirements, profound changes in climate and energy policy, as well as in society as a whole, are giving rise to completely new forms of mobility.” And more
With Prof. Lutz Fügener, the new Design & Mobility degree program has the best prerequisites to make a name for itself nationwide. We are extremely pleased about this reinforcement. “
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann, University President
Prof. Lutz Fügener (55), who made his former workplace Pforzheim one of the most sought-after addresses for car design, decided to move to Hof and Selb because of the coherent teaching concept, according to his own statements:
The approach of the new course of studies in Selb, free of existing traditions and histories, holds the chance to establish an extremely sustainable training center. By shaping the profiles of its graduates as well as through its direct academic activities, it can send strong signals for the development of mobility as a fundamental need far beyond the borders of the region and the country. I am immensely excited by the development of this project.”
Prof. Lutz Fügener
Biographical data
Professor Lutz Fügener first completed an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Dresden and then took up studies in industrial design at the University of Art and Design in Halle an der Saale. He graduated in 1995. In the same year he became a junior partner of Fisch & Vogel Design in Berlin. Since that time the office (today “studioFT”) specialized in the field of “Transportation Design”. Two years after joining, Lutz Fügener became senior partner and equal co-owner of the office. In 2000, he was appointed by Pforzheim University to a professorship in Transportation Design/3D design and has since been head of the renowned BA course in Vehicle Design. Lutz Fügener is an author and journalist for various daily newspapers, weekly magazines, periodicals and blogs, writing about design topics related to mobility.