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Bright minds for Bavaria at the top: Award in program for personnel recruitment

The University of Applied Sciences in Hof will participate in a large-scale federal-state funding program to attract professors and was able to convince with its projects in a corresponding application.

The universities of applied sciences in Amberg-Weiden, Coburg, Hof, Landshut, Rosenheim and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf will receive a total of up to 20.3 million euros from the federal-state program, which is aimed specifically at universities of applied sciences. The selected universities will be supported, for example, in setting up cooperation platforms, focus professorships, tandem programs, cooperative and structured doctoral programs, but also in implementing other innovative ideas to improve the search for and qualification of professorial staff. Nationwide, 34 universities were selected for funding in the second round of the program.

“Hof University of Applied Sciences stands for practical training of our academic professionals: we are an innovation driver of the region and a strong partner for regional companies. In order to be able to do justice to our tasks, we also need innovative and high-performing personnel in the field of science, who at the same time also have appropriate practical experience,” says Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff, Vice President of Teaching at Hof University of Applied Sciences about the funding decision. And further

The federal-state program supports us in mastering this balancing act of attracting the brightest minds from practice for us and thus remaining efficient.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff, Vice President Teaching

Together with the first funding round, in which nine universities from Bavaria have already been successful, this means that 15 Bavarian universities of applied sciences and technical universities will receive funding from the federal-state program. A total of 431.5 million euros is available for the two funding rounds from 2019 to 2028. A 24-member selection committee decided on the funding of the applications.

Rainer Krauß

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