science & research

Major project in Schwarzenbach: Innovative energy system for Winterling site

The 40,000 square meter Winterling site in Schwarzenbach/Saale is to be given an innovative energy supply system and thus a further incentive for potential tenants. The Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe) is currently planning the entire factory complex of the former porcelain manufacturer. [more]

published: 16.08.2021

Optimization of the construction industry: major project in Hof district

Great success for Hof University of Applied Sciences, the district of Hof and the LGA Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern: Together with nine other partners, they were selected in the GAIA-X funding competition to carry out a groundbreaking project that will create digital data standards for the entire construction industry - reliably and with data sovereignty [more]

published: 12.07.2021

Collaborative funding for higher education: Artificial intelligence helps learning

With the funding initiative "Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education", the federal and state governments are supporting artificial intelligence at a total of 81 universities. The joint project "HAnS" (University Assistance System), in which Hof University of Applied Sciences is involved, will receive funding of five million euros. [more]

published: 07.07.2021

Computer voices – hardly distinguishable from the human original!

Especially for visually impaired people, computer applications that read texts aloud are already a great help in everyday life. The Institute for Information Systems is conducting a study to research the acceptance of artificially generated voices and is developing its own models. [more]

published: 30.03.2021