The MakerSpace in the C-Building at Hof University is a professional workshop with high-tech machines, tools and software. In an interview with René Göhring, the project engineer of the MakerSpace, and student employee Lea Schmidt, we from present the high-tech workshop at Hof University of Applied Sciences in more detail. [more]
published: 10.05.2022
For the exhibition "One for All(s)," Prof. Michael Zöllner's team developed a series of explanatory and informative apps and a 3D model of the lost facility. [more]
published: 02.05.2022
Low-threshold access to current technology for employees in industry: This was the vision with which the pilot project "Co-Learning Lab" was launched at the end of 2017. Following the successful start, another series of workshops has now followed. [more]
published: 02.05.2022
During this year's Dies Academicus, on April 25, 2022, the Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University of Applied Sciences awarded prizes to the winners of the "Digital Awakening of Teaching" award for 2020 and 2021 and also presented a special research prize for 2021. [more]
published: 29.04.2022
Client-side web development is currently dominated worldwide by the web frameworks Angular (Google) and React (Meta/Facebook) as well as Vue. In the European/German market, there is currently no competitive solution and universities/universities have not yet been able to counter this. The university project Hof.js under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Walter Kern is trying to change this and already offers innovative functionalities in the first version that are in part clearly superior to the solutions of the top dogs Google & Co. [more]
published: 29.04.2022
The "1st Dies Academicus" took place at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Interested parties had the opportunity to learn more about the research activities and current projects at Hof University of Applied Sciences. During the event, students were also honored for special achievements [more]
published: 26.04.2022
Open Access, a much discussed topic in science for quite some time - but what exactly can be understood by it? [more]
published: 21.04.2022
Since November 2021, the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University of Applied Sciences has been researching artificial intelligence models for industrial companies. These are intended to provide companies with precise information about the condition of their machines. Predictive maintenance" can thus prevent production waste. [more]
published: 21.04.2022
A consortium of six partners, including the Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe), aims to make the wastewater network resilient to extreme weather conditions as part of the "InSchuKa4.0" research project [more]
published: 13.04.2022
A driving simulator of the latest generation was purchased at Hof University of Applied Sciences for a six-figure sum. [more]
published: 13.04.2022
The iisys has completed the "AktMel" research project. The project shows how local public transport can be improved by incorporating current population registration data and how services can be geared more closely to actual needs [more]
published: 10.03.2022
Private and public construction is to become simpler, faster and more efficient in the future. A research project at Hof University of Applied Sciences is to make an important contribution to this. [more]
published: 09.03.2022
For the second time, the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research at Hof University of Applied Sciences (ibp) has now organized the symposium "Bioplastics - Scientific and industrial Trends" to make the latest developments in the field of bioplastics accessible to a wider audience [more]
published: 28.02.2022
Every year, 4 kg of trace substances are discharged into our waters per inhabitant. The S3Rem innovation network is addressing precisely this problem. [more]
published: 23.02.2022
In recent years, heavy rainfall events and floods have been on the increase. Against this background, there is a massive need for action in dealing with concentrated masses of water in order to avoid or minimize their sometimes devastating effects and damage as best as possible. [more]
published: 16.02.2022
In large parts of the world, water is extracted from ground or surface waters to meet the population's water needs. However, these water resources are not available in unlimited quantities. A wastewater reuse project at Hof University of Applied Sciences is addressing this issue. [more]
published: 15.02.2022
Since October 2020, Prof. Günter Müller-Czygan has been Endowed Professor for Water Infrastructure at the Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences. For 1.5 years now, he has headed the Water Infrastructure and Digitization Research Group at Hof University of Applied Sciences, during which time he has brought the iwe millions in funding. [more]
published: 09.02.2022
The company Kelheim Fibres has been nominated for the "Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year" award for its concept of menstrual underwear made from sustainable viscose special fibers. The developer behind it is Natalie Wunder, the first graduate of the "Sustainable Textiles" master's program at Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]
published: 01.02.2022