The new Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences is receiving further funding of almost EUR 600,000 from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. As Prof. Dr. Tobias Plessing, Scientific Director of the iwe, announced, the money will be used in particular to enable the expansion of existing research structures.
Specifically, the funding will be used for research in the area of “Energy-efficient cooling and heat management in building technology”. The funding will be used, among other things, to develop test rooms for innovation and to set up a so-called real laboratory in the new building of the Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe), which is currently under construction. In addition, new facilities for application-oriented research with industrial partners will be created.
We are very pleased about the funding commitment. This will allow us to continue on the path we have already successfully started and gain valuable insights for the future of building technology.”
Prof. Dr. Tobias Plessing, Scientific Director of the iwe