
Network launch: Further training for local heating, energy management and refrigeration technology!

Three new professional networks have been set up at the Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe) with major participation from local businesses. As part of a project funded by the European Social Fund, their aim is to ensure a constant transfer of knowledge between research and companies through free further training and to promote the implementation of new technologies. [more]

published: 08.07.2024

Biogas project in the Wunsiedel area is looking for more manure and slurry!

Together with agricultural representatives from the Wunsiedel region and the company ZENOB GmbH (ZukunftsEnergie Nordostbayern), Hof University of Applied Sciences would like to use agricultural residues to generate energy. To this end, the partners are working on an ambitious project to tap into the corresponding energy potential by building a large biogas plant. [more]

published: 23.04.2024

“In the fast lane at 300km/h” – Dr. Gradel accompanies delegation trip to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain

Bavaria is intensifying its economic relations with the Arabian Peninsula. A 30-strong delegation from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs from the fields of energy and hydrogen, environmental technology and medical technology traveled to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for this purpose - with them: Dr. Andy Gradel from the Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]

published: 28.02.2023

Green hydrogen: New research focus at Hof University of Applied Sciences

With funding from the Hightech Agenda Bayern, Professors Tobias Plessing, Tobias Schnabel and Jörg Krumreich and Deputy Institute Director Andy Gradel are currently closing a gap in the research landscape on hydrogen technologies for the future at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Their research focus is on the production of green hydrogen. [more]

published: 07.12.2022

High energy costs: “Study in presence, save on heating costs in private!”

In the recent past, Hof University of Applied Sciences has already clearly positioned itself in favor of classroom teaching in the current winter semester. In the wake of the energy crisis, the university now sees this view confirmed and calls on its students to come to campus in as large numbers as possible during the winter months. This would enable them to save energy in the private sector and relieve the strain on their budgets [more]

published: 07.11.2022

ADerN project: local heating network aims to remove obstacles to expansion

Following the kick-off in March of this year, the ADerN network now invited participants to its second meeting at the Einstein1 start-up center. The aim of the ADerN project is to increase the acceptance of regenerative local heating networks among the population, to network players in the Bavarian local heating industry and thus to strengthen the industry in the Free State. [more]

published: 06.07.2022

Hof University of Applied Sciences strengthens the Bavarian local heating sector

At the beginning of 2022, the Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences will launch a project focusing on regenerative local heating networks. The goal of the project team, which currently consists of four members, is the transfer of knowledge and the further training of all players, from manufacturers to operators, as well as the networking and strengthening of the Bavarian local heating sector. [more]

published: 26.01.2022

Hof University of Applied Sciences optimizes Nordhalben local heating network

The Nordhalben local heating network is soon to work more intelligently and effectively. This is being ensured by a joint research project of Hof University of Applied Sciences and Bioenergie Nordhalben eG together with ENERPIPE GmbH and HDG Bavaria GmbH. In addition, network customers will be able to call up their consumption data in real time in the future and receive individual incentives for savings [more]

published: 06.10.2021