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25th anniversary of service: Angelika Meßner-Chuchuy honored with certificate of thanks

During a small ceremony, Angelika Meßner-Chuchuy was honored for 25 years of public service. She received a certificate of thanks from the Free State of Bavaria from the hands of university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann.

from left to right: Angelika Meßner-Chuchuy and University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

During her master’s studies in Augsburg, Meßner-Chuchuy spent a long time in France, where she had her first contacts with language teaching as a Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) assistant. This, as well as a brief interlude as a German as a Foreign Language (DaF) teacher after completing her studies, prompted her to use her baby break to study to become a teacher in German, French and Spanish. While looking for the possibility to teach the two foreign languages intensively, she came across an advertisement of the Hof University of Applied Sciences.

Since March 2000 she has been teaching the students here in French and Spanish and for some years now also in German. In this context, she took over the coordination of language teaching and the substitution of the management of the language center for several years, which she also managed herself until March 2021. Furthermore, she was a member of the Senate and the Faculty Council for many years.

Promoting understanding among people

In her job, Messner-Chuchuy particularly values contact with young people.

I hope that through my language teaching I can contribute a little to promoting understanding among people.”

Angelika Meßner-Chuchuy

Teaching different languages and cultures is also very close to her personal heart.

Enthusiasm for foreign languages

For the future, Angelika Meßner-Chuchuy hopes that students will once again become more enthusiastic about foreign languages and experience how language can open up new worlds.

Franziska Brömel

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