Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Richter was appointed to the Hof University of Applied Sciences in 2002. He is now celebrating 25 years of service, for which he was warmly congratulated by University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann congratulated him on behalf of the Free State of Bavaria.
Prof. Richter studied technical physics at the University of Bayreuth with minors in computer science and economics. He then earned a doctorate in physical chemistry / process engineering at the University of Siegen.
He started his professional career in Frankfurt am Main as a systems analyst at the RWE subsidiaries Utility Consultants International GmbH and ifs Informationstechnik für Systeme. This was followed by employment at the company T-Systems GmbH in Dortmund. There he managed the project “Operation Management Systems Nuclear Power Plants”, and in this context worked for six years at the headquarters and nuclear power plants of E.ON Kernkraft GmbH in Hanover.
in 2002, he was appointed professor for software engineering at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Richter is head of various laboratories and teaches in the engineering courses, among others, the subjects mathematics, physics, fundamentals of electrical engineering, circuit technology and communication technology.