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ADerN project operators’ table: in-depth exchange of experience on the subject of district heating

At the end of November, the ADerN (“Expansion and Digitization of Efficient Renewable Local Heating Networks”) project’s operators’ regulars’ table attracted around 20 participants to Nordhalben. The aim of the ADerN project at the Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences is to network players in the Bavarian local heating sector and thus strengthen the local heating sector in the Free State.

The program of the event started with a tour of the heating house of Bioenergie Nordhalben eG.

The participants of the operators’ table in the boiler house with new water treatment system of the Bioenergie Nordhalben eG; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The energy supply company has existed for over 100 years and supplies the community of Nordhalben and the district of Heinersberg (excluding the district of Grund) with electricity generated 100% from hydropower.

100% green electricity – the work of the electricity cooperative Bioenergie Nordhalben eG, with currently 237 members, met with great interest among the participants; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

For the subsequent impulse presentations on topics such as BEW funding opportunities for existing networks or technology and law surrounding the new district heating ordinance, the participants, including municipalities, farmers and citizens’ energy cooperatives, then returned to Gasthaus Wagner in Nordhalben.

The latest from energy policy, new district heating ordinance and funding opportunities – the participants used the regulars’ table for a lively exchange; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

Further information on the ADerN project, upcoming dates and contact persons can be found on the website of the Institute for Water and Energy Management at https://iwe.hof-university.de/

Kirsten Hölzel

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