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Children’s University Researchers’ Day – exciting insights on campus

Goodbye school, hello university – 72 children between the ages of eight and twelve had the opportunity to get a taste of university life on Wednesday. Together with other kids, they were able to try out various test procedures and technical elements of research in workshops.

Mittagessen beim Kinderuni Forschertag
Children’s university research day; Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The visitors went through these courses one after the other in four groups:
– Superheroes in action! We make the world a better place:
– We let it rip! Sustainably packaged popcorn.
– Robotics lab: We bring machines to life.
– The world of manufacturing: We’ve got the hang of it.

A lively group that had a lot of fun and participated with a thirst for knowledge.

Nadine Michael, Event Management

During the break, there was a little Italian-style refreshment, with pizza for the participants. As a souvenir of the Children’s University Research Day, each child received their own certificate before the end of the day.

The children were attentive during the courses and had a sparkle in their eyes afterwards. We are already looking forward to next year’s Children’s University Researchers’ Day!

Christian Sturm, Event Management

More impressions in the picture gallery:

All information about the Children’s University Research Days and how to contact the team here.

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