Hof University of Applied Sciences set out early on to advance the digitization of administration and teaching. It is supported in this by the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V. (Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University), which for the past three years has honored particularly innovative and digitally affine teachers with the “Digitaler Aufbruch der Lehre” award. Now a prominently placed permanent exhibition of analog and digital components shows the idea behind the competition as well as the achievements of the award winners in the digitization of teaching.

Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences
The competition “Digital Awakening of Teaching” results from the intention to prepare students in the best possible way for a modern and digitally professional working world
Award for teachers
The award has already been presented three times to particularly committed teachers: In 2017, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk convinced the jury with his lecture and practical course on “Industry 4.0 in Planning and Production”. The second prize winner in the following year was Prof. Dr. Claus Atzenbeck with his concept for the English-language course “Formal Languages”. Prof. Ariane Hedayati was the first woman to win the award in 2019. She restructured the university’s multimedia lab into a learning space with the latest teaching and learning techniques. The application phase for the award is currently running again.
In order to permanently honor these outstanding teaching achievements and make them visible, a very appealing and informative exhibition was created in Building A of Hof University of Applied Sciences for the award winners and the idea of the competition
University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann
On a touch screen, interested visitors can learn everything about the award for the digitization of teaching, about the winning projects and also about the Society of Friends and Supporters of Hof University of Applied Sciences e.V. This is framed by portraits of the award winners – a concept by two students. The portrait of the current award winner, currently Prof. Ariane Hedayati, will remain in a separate place in Building B for one year before it is replaced by the successor portrait and also moves into the permanent exhibition.
About the “Digital awakening of teaching” award
In 2017, the Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University of Applied Sciences (Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V.) initiated the “Digitaler Aufbruch der Lehre” award, which is endowed with 20,000 euros, to ensure that students already meet the requirements of the digital world of work. The aim is to create skills and tools for professional challenges, such as setting up a business in the digital age, among students
With this prize, we want to promote innovative teaching activities and the teaching of skills that optimally prepare students for a professional life in the age of digitalization. In this way, we are supporting Hof in becoming one of the most attractive university locations in Germany.
Dr. Dorothee Strunz, Chairwoman of the Board of the sponsoring society
Since then, the society has presented the award annually to teachers at the university who apply and convince with outstanding concepts and projects.
Next award ceremony in January 2021
The application phase for the 2020 award is currently underway, and for the first time there will also be a special prize for students who demonstrate particular digital competence. The deadline for applications was October 15, 2020, and the winners will be announced in January 2021.
Further information:
Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University of Applied Sciences