In a ceremony held yesterday at the Literaturhaus in Munich, the best graduates of dual studies at a Bavarian university of applied sciences were awarded the “Dualissimo” prize. For the eighth time, hochschule dual – Bavaria’s network for dual studies – together with vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. and the Bavarian metal and electrical employers’ associations bayme vbm honored outstanding achievements in dual studies. Jonas Will, a student at Hof University of Applied Sciences, is among the 20 graduates honored.
During the award ceremony, Markus Blume MdL, State Minister for Science and the Arts, together with Dr. Christof Prechtl, Deputy General Manager of bayme vbm vbw and Prof. Dr. Robert Ott, Scientific Director of hochschule dual, presented the awards, each endowed with 3,000 euros, to the best 5 graduates.
Even if it wasn’t enough for the very first places, being among the best 20 dual students in Bavaria was also a great recognition for Jonas Will from Hof University of Applied Sciences. The student in the field of industrial engineering achieved his “Bachelor of Engineering” degree in the training profession of mechatronics technician at the practical partner REHAU AG.
More than 180 graduates of dual studies, more than ever before, answered the call for applications. A jury from the worlds of business and academia selected the winners, taking into account not only their excellent academic achievements but also their commitment during the course of their studies and their further involvement, such as voluntary work or a stay abroad. Not an easy task given the large number of excellent applications. The résumés of the applicants showed how great the benefits of the dual study program are for both students and practice partners.
Science Minister Markus Blume emphasized:
“Bravo, Bravissimo, Dualissimo: Congratulations to the winners of this special award. They are all ambassadors of dual studies. Dual study combines the best of both worlds and is a perfect stepping stone to a career. And the companies benefit as well: They train their own young academics. The dual study program is and remains a Bavarian success model!”
Minister of State Markus Blume
During the event, the practice partners were also honored with the Talent Partner Award. “The award confirms us in our holistic approach of promoting top-qualified young talent with individual and practice-oriented training,” said Rudolf Hitzl, head of vocational training and dual studies at Rohde & Schwarz. For Schaeffler AG, in addition to vocational training, dual studies are one of the most important instruments for integrating young talent into the working world of a globally active company. AWO Sozialtherapeutische Einrichtungen Burghausen, which is the first practice partner in the social work degree program, is particularly pleased to receive the award: “We are very proud that a colleague is being honored for her outstanding activities and skills, says Felix Biegel, facility manager. “With this, we hope to show that a dual study program is attractive for social work students and that many young people choose this training path.”
For more information on the competition, visit: