On the occasion of his 40th anniversary of service, university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann received a certificate of thanks from the Free State of Bavaria from the hands of outgoing University Chancellor Dagmar Pechstein. After studying law, Lehmann first worked for the government of Middle Franconia and as a department head at the district administration office in Roth. He then joined the Bavarian Civil Service College, now the Bavarian University of Public Service (HfÖD), as a full-time university lecturer. Since 2002, he has been President of Hof University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches business law, in particular contract design, public procurement, computer law and mediation.
During a small ceremony, the vice presidents of Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk and Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff, also conveyed their congratulations to the jubilarian.