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Iisys and Bavarian State Tax Office: Cooperation to be continued

Tax evasion should become more difficult – this has been the goal of the cooperation between Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Bavarian State Tax Office (BayLfSt) for two years. Due to the great satisfaction with the work of the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University of Applied Sciences, the authority is now continuing the cooperation.

Entrance area of the iisys at the Hof campus; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

What it’s all about

The first sub-project, which has now been successfully completed, involved the development of an innovative web interface for sifting through large volumes of data. This interface is intended to provide BayLfSt employees with interactive data retrieval options for more efficient tracking of suspicious activities by taxpayers.

The new web interface generates dynamic views for this purpose, applies filter rules to the requested data and observes global “blacklisting and whitelisting”. In this context, experts understand blacklisting to mean that certain data is never released because it is classified as particularly sensitive. Whitelisting, on the other hand, means that certain data can be released in any case.

In the second subproject, which will be expanded in the phase of collaboration that is now imminent, iisys is developing a concept for the real-time evaluation of large volumes of data. To this end, the researchers are making use of modern cluster data analysis technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

Kirsten Hölzel

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