This weekend, the graduates of the winter semester 2021/2022 took center stage at Hof University of Applied Sciences. They received their bachelor’s and master’s certificates at the traditional graduation ceremony in the Great House of Hof’s Freiheitshalle and then celebrated their successful graduation together with fellow students and family companions. In addition, a total of eight prizes and awards for special achievements were presented at the ceremony.

Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;
University president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann welcomed about 260 of the total of about 700 graduates on site. Guests of honor at the event included Hof’s mayor Eva Döhla and district administrator Dr. Oliver Bär, who emphasized the importance of Hof University of Applied Sciences for the region in their greetings and encouraged the graduates to stay or return to the city and district of Hof

Image Hof University of Applied Sciences;
A total of around 700 visitors were allowed in the rows of seats, with appropriate spacing, under the hygiene rules in force. They first enjoyed the witty graduate speeches by Matthias Gedler, Laura Groh and Karan Patel, who looked back on their time at Hof University of Applied Sciences with humor. They called on the current generation of students to “dare to do things and to courageously realize their own wishes and goals”. According to the alumni spokespersons, Hof University of Applied Sciences offers an ideal environment for this.
Outstanding scientific achievements honored
The focus of the event, which was moderated by Anne-Sophie Göbel, was the award ceremony for outstanding achievements and the presentation of the Bachelor’s and Master’s certificates to the graduates. The prizes of the “Dr. Hans Vießmann- Technologie Stiftung”, each endowed with 1000 EUR, were presented by the deputy chairman of the foundation Werner Mergner and went to Hubert Neubauer (Bachelor Mechanical Engineering) and Mehmet Ali Daglioglu (Bachelor Business Informatics). They were honored by their lecturers Prof. Dr. Jens Beck and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leuoth. Neubauer’s final thesis dealt with the finished blow molding process in industrial container glass production. Daglioglu was rewarded for his work on novel methods for text field recognition on health insurance prescriptions.
The prize of 500 EUR awarded by the Women’s Representative of Hof University of Applied Sciences went to Aurelia Bauer (Bachelor Innovative Textiles). The laudation for her work on the applicability of biopolymers in special yarns was held by Prof. Dr. Anett Matthaäi. The awards of the “Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V.” (Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University of Applied Sciences), each worth 500 EUR, were presented on behalf of university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann presented the awards to the winners Martin Schüder (Bachelor of Business Administration) and Martin Heckel (Bachelor of Computer Science). Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos praised Schüder’s work on the further development of a key figure system as a controlling tool for companies.
Integration Award of the City of Hof
The “International Award” of the City of Hof, presented by Mayor Eva Döhla, went with EUR 500 to the international graduate Gowtham Buvalli Chikkathammaiah (Master of Computer Science) for his research on “Qualitative Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction of Objects from RGB-D Images”. He was laudated by Prof. Dr. Rene Peinl, head of the Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys).
Finally, the last two awards of the day went to Franziska Limmer (Master Logistics) and Anton Sack. Limmer was awarded 500 euros and the master prize of the European Management Institute emi e.V., whose deputy chairman Prof. Dr. Friedwart Lender was also on site as a laudator, for her work on the development of a decision model for the selection of a delivery form for assembly
Student commitment rewarded
Anton Sack (Master Mechanical Engineering) was honored as this year’s prize winner of the Alumni Association of Hof University of Applied Sciences for his extraordinary student commitment by the deputy alumni chairman Michael Bitzinger. This prize is endowed with 1000 EUR.
Appropriately musically the event was framed by the “Duo Ohrzucker”, which entertained the audience with timeless hits.