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“Girls and Technology (MuT)”: Test yourself and discover your own talents!

Girls and young women are conquering many professions and fields of work in technology – in planning, development and implementation. In addition to other campaigns such as “Girls’ Day”, Hof University of Applied Sciences has also been involved in “MUT – Girls and Technology” since 2005. Every year during the fall vacations, workshops for girls aged 10 to 14 are offered as part of this series. This year, the young women were able to choose between two workshops.

In the “Designing glasses” workshop, the girls were able to give free rein to their creativity; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

In “Photography and Experimentation”, the focus was on working with the camera. The participants were able to explore light and shadow in the photo studio at Hof University of Applied Sciences and use digital image processing in the computer lab. The “Designing glasses” workshop also gave participants the chance to let their creativity run wild. Glasses could be covered with different motifs and then given a satin finish, i.e. a matt sheen, in the sandblasting booth. The products created during the workshops could of course be taken home by the participants.

The young participants in the “Glass design” workshop; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

“Girls and Technology (MuT)” is organized at Hof University of Applied Sciences by the Women’s Representative with the support of the Faculties of Computer Science and Engineering.

Technical and engineering professions have a future – also and especially for girls! The pay is good, as a female engineer you can be creative and influence the development of future-proof, sustainable and useful technologies.”

Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi (Women’s Representative)

To the Upper Franconia-wide network “Girls and Technology (MuT)”. ..

Rainer Krauß

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