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Münchberg Campus: Bachelor exhibition of the Communication Design course

The Communication Design course invites interested parties to the Bachelor’s exhibition at the Münchberg campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences on Friday, 07.02.2025 at 17:00.

The students will present their Bachelor’s theses to visitors and guests can take a look behind the scenes of modern design studies at the Münchberg campus.

What: Bachelor exhibition – Communication Design degree program

When: Friday, 07.02.2025, 17:00 h

Where: Hof University of Applied Sciences, Münchberg Campus, Kulmbacher Str. 76, 95213 Münchberg


– 17:00: Opening of the exhibition at the Münchberg campus

– 18:00: Congratulations to the bachelor students

– 19:00: Exhibition and social get-together

– 20:00: Party

The exhibition is a public event of the Hof University of Applied Sciences at the Münchberg campus. Admission to the exhibition is free of charge.

The students and lecturers are looking forward to your visit!

Kirsten Hölzel

Weitere Themen