On Thursday, May 25, 2023, the 26th IT Leaders Meeting Hochfranken took place. As organizers, the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University of Applied Sciences and Florian Pöhner from Lamilux organized an informative event that brought together IT leaders from the region.

Bernhard Göth from noris network AG gave an inspiring presentation on the topic “SOC & SIEM – make or buy?”. He presented the participants with the pros and cons for a Security Operations Center (SOC) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). The decision making process is aimed at whether solutions should be developed in-house or better outsourced. The discussions and questions from the participants showed great interest in this important aspect of IT security.
Stefan Hechtfischer, Tobias Heinrich and Daniel Stroh from LabV Intelligent Solutions GmbH impressed the participants with a joint presentation on innovative solutions and technologies in the field of intelligent IT systems. Their expertise and experience in this field was stimulating and gave participants valuable insights into forward-looking IT trends.
The presentations and discussions extended from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. At the subsequent get-together, participants had the opportunity to continue their discussions and make new contacts.

The 26th IT Leaders Meeting Hochfranken was a great success, providing participants with valuable insights and a platform for networking and exchange. We would like to thank all speakers and participants who contributed to this successful event.
The next IT Manager Meeting Hochfranken is already being planned and will take place on 16.11.2023.