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Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Haushofer: Global poverty reduction – what helps and why…

There are always interesting guest lectures at Hof University of Applied Sciences: Most recently, Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Haushofer, a renowned expert in the field of poverty research, was a guest at the “Audimax”. He studied psychology, physiology and philosophy at Oxford and earned his doctorate in neurobiology at Harvard and in economics in Zurich. He is the founder of the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Naiorbi, Kenya, and was most recently a Prize Fellow in Economics at Harvard and at MIT’s Jameel Poverty Action Lab. Johannes Haushofer is a native of Hof and graduated from Jean-Paul-Gymnasium in 1999

The event at Hof University of Applied Sciences took place in cooperation with the Friends of the Protestant Academy Tutzing. It was sponsored by the federal program “Demokratie leben”

We hereby provide the video of his lecture….(German Language)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Haushofer – a native of Hof – now teaches at Stockholm University; photo: private;

On the topic:

Despite enormous progress in recent decades, many hundreds of millions of people worldwide still live in extreme poverty. This poverty generates great suffering: people starve and are exposed to diseases, children cannot go to school and have poor prospects for the future, women are beaten, conflicts are encouraged. Governments of poor countries as well as international organizations and richer countries, run extensive aid programs to reduce this poverty

But which of these programs work and which do not, and how does one find out? Can poverty really be reduced by outside aid, or is it futile? How sustainable are such programs?

Johannes Haushofer addressed these questions as a professor at Princeton University and now at Stockholm University. In Kenya and other countries with low average incomes, he conducts randomized experiments that test the impact of poverty reduction programs

Rainer Krauß

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