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Regenerative local heating networks: Operators’ meeting on 28.11.2022 in Nordhalben

The network ADerN (“Expansion and digitalization of efficient regenerative local heating networks”), C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V. (“Centrales Agrar-Rohstoff Marketing- und Energie-Netzwerk e.V.”) and Bioenergie Nordhalben eG invite municipalities, farmers and citizen energy cooperatives that operate a local or district heating network to this year’s regulars’ table on Monday, 28.11.2022. The event will take place from 6 p.m. at Gasthaus Wagner in Nordhalben in the district of Kronach, with a tour of the Bioenergie Nordhalben eG heating plant with its new water treatment system available beforehand from 4:30 p.m.

In the past year, the energy crisis and in some cases very short-term energy policy decisions posed major challenges for operators of local and district heating networks. In particular, the new district heating ordinance FFVAV and the new federal subsidy for efficient heating networks BEW demanded a great deal of patience and flexibility from network operators and tended to create new problems rather than providing a remedy. This is where the operators’ regulars’ table comes in and provides information about the latest developments in energy policy, the new BEW subsidy with a focus on existing networks and the new district heating ordinance.

Participation in the event is free of charge.

The program at a glance:

16.30 hrs Tour of the heating plant of Bioenergie Nordhalben eG

18.00 h Arrival at Gasthaus Wagner

18.10 a.m. Welcome of the participants

18.15 h BEW promotion for existing networks

18.45 hrs News from the energy policy on the subject of district heating

19.00 a.m. New district heating ordinance – technology and law

19.45 p.m. Discussion on possible operator merger for uniform digital billing solutions


Visit: Bioenergie Nordhalben eG, Schloßbergstraße 2, 96365 Nordhalben, Germany

Event: GasthausWagner, Lobensteiner Straße 15, 96365 Nordhalben


Binding registration (stating first and last name, e-mail address, company/community name, number of participants, participation in the tour and pre-ordering of dinner) by Nov. 25, 2022 at projekt-adern@hof-university.de is requested.

Kirsten Hölzel

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