The P-Seminar Denkfabrik of the Schiller-Gymnasium Hof has won the 500€ Innovation Award of the VDI (Association of German Engineers) at the VisionING competition at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
One of the students’ external partners in the Think Tank project was the Faculty of Computer Science at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Dr. Sven Rill, responsible for the Mobile Computing teaching area at the Faculty of Computer Science, provides insights into the project.

Prof. Rill, what was the “Think Tank” project about?
As part of a P-seminar, the 11th grade of the Schiller-Gymnasium created an innovative learning environment for students and provided appealing learning materials for independent learning. This enables students to develop their skills and knowledge in the field of computer science as well as numerous future technologies.
The innovative teaching methods and materials were developed to share best practices and ideas and to raise awareness of the importance of computer science and future technologies in society. Knowledge is imparted in the areas of 3D modeling, CNC milling, 3D printing, model making, programming and laser cutting.
What contribution has the Faculty of Computer Science made to the success of the project?
The Hof University of Applied Sciences supports the Schiller-Gymnasium, for example, by lending computers (iMacs) to equip the computer science rooms. These are used in the various projects, such as 3D modeling. In addition, we regularly offer workshops (e.g. introduction to FlutterFlow for programming a “cross-platform” app, e-sports workshop or other workshops as part of the student research center).
What exactly did the collaboration with the students look like as part of the project?
We conducted the aforementioned workshops at the Schiller Gymnasium. In addition, students also visited the university for various workshops or events. In addition to the exchange on computer science topics, the young people like to take the opportunity to learn more about student life away from the lectures.

What goals does the Faculty of Computer Science pursue with such school cooperations?
In the area of MINT, we want to get students interested in the exciting and innovative topics of computer science as early as possible. Our students also enjoy working on these kinds of projects. They participate with a lot of commitment and gain a lot of knowledge that can be used in the future.
Are there already plans to continue the cooperation with the upper school of the Schiller-Gymnasium in the coming school year?
Yes, I would like to continue the cooperation with the mentors at Schiller- Gymnasium as part of a project. We want to establish weekly meetings to exchange innovative topics and thus actively shape the think tank in the future.
How can schools get in touch with the Faculty of Computer Science if you are interested in joint projects?
Schools are welcome to contact me directly at for the area of computer science. In addition to various workshops, we also organize info events to provide an insight into our faculty and, in particular, the study opportunities.
Thank you very much for the interview!
Congratulations to the students of the think tank of the Schiller-Gymnasium Hof!