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Donation from Amazon: Four arcade machines for our students

The mail-order company Amazon is donating a total of four arcade game machines to the campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences. The machines from the company’s inventory will be installed in the student council room, in the computer science lab and at the E-Sports Initiative, among other places, where they can be used in exciting study projects or to bridge the time between lectures. The planned student café “Zur Auszeit” in downtown Hof will also have space for a gaming machine in the future. The contact to the company was established by Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolff during an event. The devices with a total value of more than 5000 EUR have now been received by the student representatives and Prof. Dr. Sven Rill. The Hof University of Applied Sciences would like to thank the donor.

Joy at the donation handover: Prof. Dr. Sven Rill (3rd from left) receives the donation together with Hannes Steinel and Ron Polenthon from the student representation – presented by two Amazon employees; Picture: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

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