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“Sustainable urban development”: Visit from Mongolia

Back in October, the International Department of the Bildungswerk der
Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) gGmbH organized a specialist seminar for the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. An 18-strong delegation from Mongolia therefore spent an exciting and interesting week in Bavaria from October 15-22 on the topic of sustainable urban development and also visited Hof University of Applied Sciences. The tour started in Munich and took the experts to the cities of Neuburg an der Donau, Bayreuth, Hof, Schwarzenbach/Saale and Regensburg.

Visit to the first “Purple Roof” roof from Browatech at the elementary school in Schauenstein/Upper Franconia – this is a new type of green roof concept that significantly optimizes rainwater retention compared to conventional green roofs. In the picture: Mario Browa (Managing Director Browatech, 5th from right), Michael Schmidt (Institute for Sustainable Water Systems, 3rd from right) and Florian Schaller (Mayor of Schauenstein, right); Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

During the seminar, there were numerous visits to Bavarian companies and institutions that presented solutions in the field of sustainable urban development. At Hof University of Applied Sciences, the participants were informed about the sponge city and sponge region. After a 30-minute presentation, the topic was discussed in detail.

The majority of the Mongolian group were representatives from the business world: private entrepreneurs such as architects and civil engineers as well as representatives from various business associations. From the research sector, there were two participants from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and one from the Urban Planning Research Institute. Other participants included urban development consultants for local authorities, a representative of a state authority that reports to the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, and participants from utility companies – comparable to municipal utilities in Germany.

During the week, there were intensive discussions and a great exchange between Bavarian and Mongolian experts. In the meantime, the Mongolian group has returned to their home country motivated and is working on new ideas.

Michael Schmidt

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