On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the annual engineering colloquium of Hof University of Applied Sciences took place. For the tenth time, Raumedic AG honored the best final theses at the Faculty of Engineering. This year, for the first time, the Raumedic prize was awarded in both categories – Bachelor and Master – as part of a joint engineering colloquium. The winners each received prize money of 1,000 euros for first place, 200 euros for second place and 100 euros for third place.
The engineering colloquium, sponsored by Raumedic, offers students a good platform to present their results and exchange ideas with experts from the industry. The event took place for the 14th time this year and offered an interesting supporting program.
The winners of the Raumedic Award 2023
Dominik Gerhard Weiß received the Raumedic Prize for the best Bachelor’s thesis for his work on the design and analysis of gear sets to reduce the flow pulsation of an existing internal gear pump. The prize for the best master’s thesis went to David Kiesewetter for his work on media-dense interfaces in electromobility.
The winners were selected on the basis of a ranking involving several factors: The assessment by the supervising professors, the relevance of the work for science and industrial practice and, to a small percentage, the overall study grade.
Category Best Bachelor Thesis
- 1st place: Dominik Gerhard: Design and analysis of gear sets to reduce the flow pulsation of an existing internal gear pump
- Place: Markus Liedel: Empirical determination of the processability of bioplastics to filling adapters for anesthetics by means of injection molding
- Place: Jana Wagenführer: Introduction and standardization of a key figure system for selected Significant Energy Uses (SEU) of the REHAU-Group
Category Best Master Thesis
- Place: David Kiesewetter: Media Density Interfaces in Electromobility – Planning and Implementation of a Statistical Test Plan for the Validation of Influence Parameters.
- 1st place: Maurice Walther: Modification of carbon fiber-reinforcing plastics with carbon nanotubes
- 1st place: Hubert Neubauer: Potential analysis of flexibility marketing and integration of renewable energies in the Wiegand-Glas group of companies
Interesting framing of the award ceremony
The award ceremony was framed by interesting presentations. Nadine Guttau, Specialist HR Marketing at Raumedic, presented Raumedic, the sponsor of the evening, in a short speech as a sustainable employer for engineers in the region. She emphasized the importance of close networking with Hof University of Applied Sciences. “At Raumedic, we consider the exchange between companies and scientific institutions to be very important. Both sides can benefit from the experience and impulses in joint projects. We want to promote the skilled workers of tomorrow and continue to keep them in our region.”
Two keynote speeches by Jan-Lucas Menger from the digital startup center Einstein1 on the topic of “Startups at the Hof Campus” and by Dr. Jannik Lockl, CEO & Co-Founder of inContAlert on the topic of “Think BIG!” were given If students don’t, nobody will” encouraged students to continue thinking innovatively.
Prof. Dr. Christine Falkenreck, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Engineering, thanked Raumedic for their commitment to Hof University and emphasized the importance of the Engineering Colloquium: “The Engineering Colloquium is significant for Hof University in two ways: we can honor our best graduates and at the same time establish contact with an important company in the region. The informal exchange at the buffet provides a great setting for networking, especially if – as this year – we are still lucky enough to present our new university band musically. We sincerely thank Raumedic for their commitment to our university!”
Premiere: First performance of the new university band
During the 14th Engineering Colloquium, the newly formed university band performed for the first time and thrilled the visitors with three songs. With specialties from South Tyrol and animated conversations between the representatives of the university and the economy, an extremely successful event came to an end.