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“pulsnetz.de – people and technology in the community” – university is involved

The regional future center “pulsnetz.de – Mensch und Technik im Gemeinwesen” (pulsnetz MuTiG) will receive funding from the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) totaling 8.5 million euros over the next four years. The funding commitment will enable institutions in the social economy to be accompanied and given specialist support as they seek to prepare themselves for the major challenges in social welfare with the help of digitization. In this way, they are helping to reduce the impact of the shortage of skilled workers. Hof University of Applied Sciences is involved in this project.

Project team members Désirée Neeb (left) and Sophia Giegold present digital solutions for social welfare; Photo: Erik Bohr ;

In the “pulsnetz MuTiG” project, eight organizations are cooperating under the leadership of Diakonisches Werk Baden. Together, they want to advance digitization in health and social care. “pulsnetz MuTiG” is a mobile and virtual future center. Institutions in the social economy are empowered in consultations to design and implement their own digitization projects.

In the digitization trucks, employees and managers in the social sector can try out many solutions for themselves; Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

In addition, the Trucks of Digitization (TruDis) offer employees and managers the opportunity to learn about and try out digital technologies. The center’s offerings are aimed at institutions in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia.

The trucks for digitization; photo: Erik Bohr;

In parallel, the Internet platform www.pulsnetz.de is being expanded into a central point of contact for information, exchange and learning. The offers and findings of the pulsnetz MuTiG project will be published on the internet platform mutig.pulsnetz.de.


The pulsnetz MuTiG project is funded by the BMAS and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) as part of the “Future Centers” program. The task of the Future Centers is to support in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, their employees and (solo) self-employed persons in the context of the transformation of the world of work. A total of twelve Future Centers are being funded throughout Germany. Further information on all Future Centers can be found on the BMAS website.

Rainer Krauß

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