
City lecture in Selb: experts discuss sustainability in the plastics industry

On November 26, 2024, the third and final city lecture of Hof University of Applied Sciences took place at the Selb learning location. Under the title "Sustainability in Focus", Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Nase and Prof. Dr. Thomas Meins from the Institute for Bio:polymers spoke about current developments in the plastics industry. [more]

published: 02.12.2024

Ibp expands research capacities: New recycling plant goes into operation

With the commissioning of a new plastics recycling plant, the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research (ibp) at Hof University of Applied Sciences gains a facility that supports the university's mission statement with regard to intelligent resource use and the guiding principle of a Green Tech University [more]

published: 09.08.2021

“EISBiR” aims to research environmentally friendly plastic products from biowaste

Will there soon be packaging with organic waste in the supermarket? Quite possible! At the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research at Hof University of Applied Sciences (ibp), headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Nase, a group of young researchers wants to investigate the influence of natural radiation and biogenic residues on the properties and structure of biopolymers [more]

published: 04.03.2021

More exchange: Scientific institute colloquium connects

For the first time this year, the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research (Ibp) created and held a format to create more transparency and exchange between the different university institutes in the future: The 1st Scientific Institute Colloquium. [more]

published: 30.10.2020