At the beginning of July, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schaller and Prof. Dr. Henning Schröder were honored for 25 years of public service at a ceremony. University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann congratulated the two professors and expressed his thanks for their many years of dedicated service.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schaller, teaching area “Electronically supported Business Processes”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schaller studied business informatics with a focus on system development, office automation and operational manufacturing systems at the University of Bamberg, where he also completed his doctorate in the field of workflow management systems.
After his time in practice at Bertelsmann AG and Loewe AG, he was appointed to the teaching position of “Electronically supported Business Processes” at Hof University of Applied Sciences in 2002. Since then, he has been in charge of the “Administrative Informatics” course of study, which is run jointly with the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Administration of Justice in Hof. His field of research generally covers the automation of business processes in business and administration.
Prof. Dr. Henning Schröder, teaching area “Quantitative methods in business sciences”
Prof. Dr. Henning Schröder has represented the teaching area “Quantitative methods in business sciences” at the Faculty of Economics at Hof University of Applied Sciences since 2016
Prior to his appointment, he worked in various areas of institutional market research (including geomarketing, panel research, quantitative ad hoc studies, analyses of high-dimensional data sets, product development) most recently as head of the central methods department at Psyma Group AG. In addition to his teaching duties, he works in management consulting and is a member of the advisory board of the BVM Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. (Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers ) as well as head of the jury “Nachwuchsforscher/in – BVM/VMÖ/SWISS INSIGHTS”.
