Under the motto “Resources for tomorrow and today – Roadmap for a secure future”, the Science Day of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg on Friday, July 19, 2024 invites you to discuss current perspectives from a wide range of disciplines on the topics of the future. The event is being hosted by Hof University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences for the Civil Service in Bavaria together with the city of Hof and the districts of Hof and Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge.

The Science Day is organized once a year by Forum Wissenschaft, one of the specialist forums of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region, and tours the university locations in the region. This year, the event is being held in Hof for the second time and brings together the region’s scientific expertise. At the same time, the Science Day is the ideal opportunity for participants from the entire metropolitan region to network and exchange ideas.
The variety of topics, from the energy transition and internationalization to practical approaches in research and municipal budgets, shows how important interdisciplinary cooperation is.”
Eva Döhla, Mayor of the City of Hof

She continued: “The fact that a wide range of stakeholders from educational institutions, politics and business are involved is also characteristic of the Science Day. I am proud that we are able to host this important event in Hof and look forward to inspiring discussions and insights that will show us the way to a more sustainable future,” said Mayor Döhla.

Dr. Oliver Bär, political spokesperson for the Science Forum and District Administrator of the Hof district, confirms:
I am looking forward to the Science Day. We will be excellent hosts with our universities. The focus will be on the topics of resource efficiency and sustainability. The Science Day will reflect the great expertise we have in this area in the metropolitan region. Everyone who wants to exchange ideas, make new contacts and get new ideas – whether from business, science or politics – is cordially invited to Hof.”
Dr. Oliver Bär, District Administrator of the district of Hof

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Sciences, emphasized the relevance of the Science Day topic. Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Sciences:
Our world is undergoing an unprecedented, very rapid process of change. New technologies, but also challenges such as climate change, are creating a great deal of uncertainty, but also unimagined opportunities for us as a society. These perspectives are the focus of the Science Day of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region at Hof University of Applied Sciences: “We want to show a roadmap that will allow us to shape our time, but also the future, in the best possible way.”
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, President of the University
The three keynote speeches in the opening section from 12 noon will set the tone: Markus Blume, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and the Arts, will focus on innovation as the key to Bavaria’s future. Hildegard Müller, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry, will show how the future of the automotive industry can succeed in the interplay between innovation and climate neutrality. Dr. Martin Radenz, meteorologist at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, will also take a look at the climate: He will report on his climate research at the Neumeyer III Station in the Antarctic.
Expert panels shed light on a wide range of topics
In the afternoon, starting at 3 p.m., six panels will offer different perspectives on innovation and sustainability: which infrastructure measures are necessary for a rapid energy transition, how universities can contribute their knowledge even better to society, how innovations can become even more effective through internationalization, how current research trends can have an impact in practice, why the goal of tomorrow’s resource efficiency can only be achieved through research or how sustainability can be taken into account in municipal budgets.
Afterwards, the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region will provide an opportunity to take a playful look at the day’s topics from a new perspective: The newly acquired knowledge can be tested immediately in the pub quiz organized by the Cleantech Competence, transform_EMN and Klimapakt2030plus projects. At the end of the event, contacts can be made or deepened in a relaxed atmosphere at the Council Reception of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg.
Further program and registration
Participation in the Science Day is free of charge, but registration is required by Monday, July 8. Further information on the 17th Science Day and the entire program can be found at wissenschaftstag.metropolregionnuernberg.de