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Faculty awards: Best students honored on “Dean’s list”

Hof University of Applied Sciences honored the top 10% of Bachelor’s and Master’s students in their respective faculties at a ceremony at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys). The so-called “Dean’s List” is made up of students who have performed particularly well in their studies to date. After years of being held separately, the Dean’s List certificates were awarded for the first time as part of a joint event for all faculties.

The best students from the Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The deans of the four faculties at Hof University of Applied Sciences – Prof. Dr. Jens Kirchner (Economics), Prof. Dr. Anke Müller (Engineering), Prof. Dr. Andrej Bachmann (Computer Science) and Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola (Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences) – congratulated the 123 students who received awards:

They have demonstrated their particular aptitude for their studies through their achievements, which come about through talent – but also precisely through above-average commitment and through discipline. Inclusion in the Dean’s List should now serve as further motivation for your careers.”

The honorees from the Faculties of Business and Economics and Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The Dean’s List reference is a valuable reference, especially when applying for jobs after graduation or for internships.

Rainer Krauß

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