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Best career advice: CONTACTA HochFranken 2022 finally back in presence

For years, CONTACTA HochFranken at Hof University of Applied Sciences has been the meeting place for students seeking competent advice on all aspects of choosing a course of study and a career. After the cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic and the digital realization in the previous year, the two-day fair for Hochfranken and the neighboring regions will now take place again in presence this year. On September 28 and 29, participants can expect an attractive program and a variety of opportunities to get information and inspiration for their future life and career from 08:30 to 14:30 each day. A total of approximately 85 exhibitors and 16 schools are involved

Looking forward to CONTACTA HochFranken in presence (from left): University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann, Rainer Blechschmidt (retired teacher), Dr. Dorothee Strunz (SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT network) and the two event managers from Hof University of Applied Sciences, Kathrin Blug and Christian Sturm; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

“The decision to hold a purely digital event was not easy for those responsible last year – all the more reason for us to be pleased that CONTACTA HochFranken is now returning to where it belongs: on site at Hof University of Applied Sciences,” said University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lehmann is pleased

The digital implementation of the fair last year can undoubtedly be described as successful – however, nothing replaces the presence and also the personal exchange between students on the one hand and the companies on the other!”

Dr. Dorothee Strunz, SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Network

Training for teachers

This year’s CONTACTA HochFranken will already officially begin on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022 at 4 p.m. with an event on regional teacher training. Speaker Dr. Dieter Dohmen, director of the research institute for education and social economy in Berlin, will take up thereby in the Audimax of the university yard (Rehau Audimax B023) a particularly current topic: Youth in times of crisis. How can educators and trainers help?” is the topic of his approximately 100-minute lecture, which is aimed particularly at teaching and training staff. Dr. Dieter Dohmen will focus in particular on the young people’s attitude to life, their psychological resilience and their school and training situation. He asks which young people are particularly affected by the negative consequences of current crises such as the Corona pandemic or the Ukraine war, and what consequences these have for schools or training companies. He also provides practical tips for dealing with affected young people.

Dr. Dorothee Strunz is looking forward to seeing over 2000 students at this year’s fair;
Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Kick-off event

For the official kick-off event on Sept. 27 starting at 6 p.m. (Rehau Audimax B023), the organizers expect about 150 guests from schools, business and service clubs. The core of the event will be a panel discussion on the topic “Generation Corona – what impact does the pandemic have on young people’s decisions about the future?” The student Hannah Zißler (Q12, Luisenburg-Gymnasium Wunsiedel) and the student Yannik Pöllmann (Mechanical Engineering, Hof University of Applied Sciences) will discuss here with Guido Baumgärtner, Chief Human Resources Officer of Sandler AG, the teacher David Friedrich as well as Prof. Dr. Anke Müller, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Hof University of Applied Sciences, among others. Greetings are expected from District Administrator Dr. Oliver Bär, Lord Mayor Eva Döhla and OStD Dr. Harald Vorleuter, Ministerialbeauftragter für die Gymnasien in Oberfranken.

In addition, the entrepreneurial initiative Hochfranken will award prizes to P-seminars and projects of the schools and present them with the P-seminar prize 2022

Fair with many offers for occupation information

In addition to the Rotarians, the Lions Clubs are also supporting CONTACTA HochFranken again this year. In this context, around 80 executives are expected during the fair to tell the students about their personal experiences. The speakers will give a comprehensive insight into their everyday working life, report on their career and on current trends and developments in their professional field. The career information covers 36 occupational fields and 7 interdisciplinary presentations.

University study program focuses on sustainability

In addition to many companies in the region, the Hof University of Applied Sciences will also be presenting itself at CONTACTA HochFranken through 34 lectures and providing an insight into its extensive range of courses: “As a greentech university, we are focusing very decisively on the topic of sustainability, particularly with our new courses of study. We would like to contribute thereby to develop Hochfranken consistently into a future region. We are pleased to have the opportunity at CONTACTA HochFranken to get future school graduates excited about this goal and get them on board,” said university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann. Guests at the fair will also have the opportunity to get to know the laboratories and technical facilities at Hof University of Applied Sciences during a Science and Techlab tour, as well as to explore the library during a guided tour.

New: Virtual Work Experience

The Virtual Work Experience of the SchuleWirtschaft network offers students the opportunity to gain realistic experience at virtual workplaces using VR goggles. The playful engagement with virtual professional worlds also arouses interest in professions and curiosity about real internships. This gives internships and career recommendations a solid foundation and makes them a worthwhile goal. The graduated levels of difficulty offer attractive, challenging, and didactically meaningful experiences for all students, regardless of ability or skill level, which at the same time reflect competencies and support career orientation.

More than 2,000 students from the following schools in the region and neighboring areas will participate in CONTACTA HochFranken 2022:

  • Jean-Paul Gymnasium Hof
  • Johann-Christian Reinhart High School Hof
  • Schiller Grammar School Hof
  • Free Waldorf School Hof
  • Hochfranken-Gymnasium Naila
  • Walter-Gropius Grammar School Naila
  • Luisenburg Grammar School Naila
  • Münchberg Grammar School
  • Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Marktredwitz
  • FOS/BOS Hof
  • FOS/BOS Marktredwitz
  • Kaspar-Zeuß-Gymnasium Kronach
  • Frankenwald Grammar School Kronach
  • Franconian Switzerland Grammar School Ebermannstadt
  • Grammar School Bad Lobenstein
  • Julius-Mosen-Gymnasium Oelsnitz

Rainer Krauß

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