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Best atmosphere at the Frankenpost company run 2023 in Weißenstadt

Sport, music and good humor – that was the motto of the Frankenpost company run for the tenth time, which was held this year around the Weißenstädter See lake. The Hof University of Applied Sciences with “team captain” and Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolff took part with a total of 34 participants, who – typical of a company run – set off on the 5.5-kilometer lap with very different objectives.

The Hof University of Applied Sciences team at the Frankenpost company run 2023; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

In Weißenstadt, around 3500 people from 159 companies and businesses from the Hochfranken region will come together this Friday evening. For a decade now, the company run has served not only as a sports event, but also as an event that many companies use as a team-building measure for their employees. It goes without saying that there is also plenty to eat and drink – there is no shortage of food and drink stands and the necessary staff.

Sport and conviviality in a beautiful setting in Weißenstadt; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The scheduled meeting point for the university team is already at 4 pm. Thanks to the one or other traffic jam on the lake parking lots and some logistical confusion at the waterfront on site, this is not quite complied with for all – too big and confusing is the colorful hustle and bustle. In the end, however, the university runners are easily recognizable by their new jerseys, which proudly announce on the back that the “most popular university in Germany” is now running here.

Shortly before 5:30 p.m., the time has come: the first of several groups is allowed to line up at the starting line. On announcement, everyone counts down from ten. Then the starting signal is given. While some ambitious amateur runners are determined to stay under half an hour despite having largely ignored the warm-up, others – some of them equipped with walking sticks – take a more relaxed approach. After all, it’s not the time run that counts, it’s the community.

Joy after the completed round around the Weißenstädter lake; Photo: Frankenpost;

At the end, however, everyone met in ideal weather and a beautiful sunset on the peninsula, which had been perfectly designed by the organizing team, to quench their thirst with a non-alcoholic drink. After the awarding of prizes to the most creative and numerically strongest groups, the evening moves on to the cozy part of the evening: DJ FabX provides party music on stage and the guests of the company run celebrate exuberantly into the night. As always, neighbors, friends and many former colleagues will meet. The Frankenpost company run always provides plenty to talk about and unexpected encounters.

Rainer Krauß

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