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Dean’s List: Hof University honors best students

Within the framework of virtual events, Hof University of Applied Sciences has honored the best 10% of each of the Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the faculties of Economics, Engineering, and Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences (INWISS). The so-called “Dean’s List” is made up of students who have performed particularly well in their studies to date.

The best students of the Faculty of Business and Economics; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The three awarding deans, Professor Dr. Jens Kirchner (Economics), Professor Dr. Anke Müller (Engineering), and Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola (as well as Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences), congratulated the 119 students who had gathered this year in an online meeting: “You have demonstrated your aptitude for your studies in a special way through your commitment and eagerness, but also through a healthy dose of curiosity and talent,” the teachers said.

The virtual honorees in engineering; image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

And further

The inclusion in the Dean’s List should strengthen, confirm and additionally motivate you for your further career.”

Prof. Dr. Anke Müller, Prof. Dr. Jens Kirchner and Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola

Rainer Krauß

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