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The professorship: a life between teaching, research and social commitment

Hof University of Applied Sciences is currently launching a large-scale information campaign to inspire young academics and interested parties from industry to consider a professorship. In this context, the university invites you to an information evening on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 6 p.m. under the motto “Professorship in everyday life: reality between teaching, research and social commitment”. The event at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) is intended to provide information about the challenges and opportunities of a career as a professor and at the same time show how teaching staff can reconcile their diverse and varied tasks.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, Vice President Teaching at Hof University of Applied Sciences, is – together with Andrea Graf – responsible for the “Go2Hof4ever” project, which is committed to attracting lecturers to the university, among other things; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

As part of the 90-minute program, the HR department of Hof University of Applied Sciences will first provide information about the necessary requirements and the admission procedures that must be completed in order to obtain a professorship. A keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Michael Nase, Head of the Institute for Circular Economy of Bio:Polymers (ibp) at Hof University of Applied Sciences, will then address the topic of “Professorship in transition: challenges and opportunities”. In a subsequent panel discussion, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, Vice President Teaching, Prof. Dr. Viktoria Bachmann and Prof. Dr. Jörg Scheidt will discuss the balancing act that the demands of teaching, research and society entail.

Many people are generally unaware of the possibility of a professorship at a university of applied sciences as a career option or do not know what the exact framework conditions for an appointment are. This is precisely where the “Go2Hof4ever – Go to Hof and stay forever” project comes in, with the aim of recruiting young academics for Hof University of Applied Sciences and increasing the university’s visibility and attractiveness as an employer for young academics both nationally and internationally:

A professorship is an exciting but demanding career path. Our offer is aimed at interested parties from the business world who would like to pass on their practical experience to the younger generation and are considering an academic career.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff

And further: “The event is of course also aimed at internal and external young academics and students who would like to find out about a possible career path,” says Prof. Dr.-Ing.

The program will be rounded off with a joint snack where personal experiences can be exchanged. The event begins on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 6 p.m. and admission is free.

For participation, the organizers ask for registration here. ..

Rainer Krauß

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