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First primary qualifying nursing degree program with monthly allowance in Upper Franconia

First primary qualifying nursing course with monthly remuneration in Upper Franconia – Hof University of Applied Sciences cooperates with the Bamberg academies at the Bruderwald clinic site.

Nursing is varied and demanding and requires very well-trained professionals. With the new degree programs starting in October 2025, Hof University of Applied Sciences, the Bamberg Academies and the clinics and care facilities in Upper Franconia are creating a new, attractive entry route to the nursing profession in the region. In future, high school graduates will be able to complete a bachelor’s degree directly and also receive an attractive training allowance similar to well-known dual study programs in other sectors. A win-win situation for healthcare facilities and patient care alike in order to meet the demands of the modern healthcare system.

from left: Prof. Dr. Matthias Drossel, Professor of Applied Healthcare at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences at Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Sciences, Ilona Baumann, Director of Nursing and Patient Management at Bamberg Hospital, Michael Springs, Managing Director of the Bamberg Academies, Martin Wilde, Chairman of the Board of the Bamberg Social Foundation, Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola, Dean of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences (from left; image: Bamberg Social Foundation).

The Bamberg Social Foundation has been training nursing students together with the Bamberg Academies since 2009. The positive experiences from previous years – qualifying nursing students directly at the patient’s bedside – and at the same time establishing new career prospects motivated the Bamberg Social Foundation to help launch the new course.

Studying nursing makes it possible to understand more complex relationships in healthcare and nursing care, to make research-based decisions and to use theoretical knowledge to provide new impetus in practice that goes beyond the practical skills of traditional training.”

Prof. Dr. Matthias Drossel, Director of Studies

He adds: “We are delighted to have found committed and experienced training and practice partners in our region of Upper Franconia in the Bamberg Academies and the Bamberg Social Foundation.”

Joy after the signing of the cooperation agreements; Image: Sozialstiftung Bamberg;

The modern facilities and the innovative skills lab at the Bamberg academies provide the right infrastructure, while the Bamberg Social Foundation – representing all other regional healthcare facilities – offers students extensive and varied opportunities to apply and deepen their theoretical knowledge directly in practice.

By simultaneously acquiring specialist knowledge and know-how in healthcare as well as analytical and reflective skills and technical expertise, graduates of the Bachelor’s degree course have the best chances on the job market.”

Ilona Baumann, Director of Nursing and Patient Management at Bamberg Hospital

She continues: “We ourselves have had excellent experiences in recent years and now employ around 50 Bachelor’s graduates in direct patient care.” The nursing expert sees the new monthly salary as a great additional incentive. Interested parties can apply directly to the practice providers from now until 15.07.2025.

Michael Springs, Managing Director of the Bamberg Academies, is looking forward to the future cooperation with Hof University of Applied Sciences:

“The Bamberg Academies are the largest provider of training and further education in the nursing and healthcare sector in Upper Franconia. The academization of the nursing profession has many advantages. The Bachelor’s degree is an internationally recognized qualification that prepares students for a broader range of tasks.”

Michael Springs, Managing Director of the Bamberg Academies

At the same time as the full-time primary qualification course for career starters, the Bachelor’s degree course in Nursing (B.Sc.) will be launched as a part-time course for nursing professionals with professional experience from all over Upper Franconia.


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