On 16 October 2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted the India Skilled Workers Strategy, which was drawn up under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Federal Foreign Office. The concept paper builds on the existing partnership with India and uses thirty specific measures to show how the recruitment of skilled workers from India is to be expanded. Both Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Bavarian-Indian Center for Business and Universities (BayIND), which is based at Hof University of Applied Sciences, are named as outstanding practical examples in the government paper.

The recruitment of qualified workers from India has already developed very positively in recent years. The number of Indians employed in Germany and subject to social security contributions has doubled since 2020. Their high level of qualification is often reflected in comparatively high salaries.
Measures for faster recruitment of skilled workers
This success story is now to be continued and further expanded with the India Skilled Workers Strategy. The measures set out in the strategy include the simplification and digitalization of visa applications for skilled workers, the expansion of German language courses via the Goethe Institutes in India and the even stronger involvement of the Federal Employment Agency, for example through its presence at industry trade fairs in India. In addition, Indian students who are already living and studying in Germany are to be actively supported by the Federal Employment Agency in their integration into the German labor market in the future.
Germany needs more economic dynamism and for this it needs qualified specialists. India is a young country and has all the prerequisites for both countries to benefit from the recruitment of skilled workers. The influx of Indian skilled workers is already a success story for our country and we are continuing this with over 30 measures as part of the skilled labor strategy.”
Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil
Hof University of Applied Sciences impresses with placement in the German labor market
A total of nine positive examples of particularly successful recruitment of skilled workers are named in the new strategy: These include both Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Bavarian-Indian Center for Business and Universities (BayIND), which is based at the university.

Hof University of Applied Sciences has been working in cooperation with BAYIND since 2010 to place its Indian students in local companies. It has established a comprehensive advisory and qualification structure to prepare students for the German job market. Among other things, learning the German language plays an important role in this. Hof University of Applied Sciences recently received funding from the DAAD’s FIT initiative (Promotion of International Talent for Integration into Studies and the Labor Market) with funds from the BMBF to further promote the qualification of international students in cooperation with companies.
Hof University of Applied Sciences currently has around 1,400 international students, around two thirds of whom come from India:
Close support for students means that, in addition to subject-specific knowledge, they are also taught the interdisciplinary qualifications required for successful entry into the job market as part of their studies. This includes German as a compulsory part of the curriculum in many degree courses. At the same time, a strong network of regional companies and international alumni is built up. The majority of our Indian students also enter the German job market after completing their studies. We are delighted that the German government’s new strategy for skilled workers recognizes our efforts, which have now been ongoing for 16 years.”
Hof University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann
BayInd advises 33 state universities
The Bavarian-Indian Center for Business and Universities (BayIND) has been advising interested parties in India on the possibilities of studying in Bavaria since 2008 and supports Bavarian universities through its presence in Bangalore. The aim is to offer and expand central advisory structures for all stakeholders to promote cooperation with India and to advise Indian students on studying in Bavaria. In the last ten years, the number of cooperation agreements between Bavarian and Indian universities has grown from 78 to 121. BayIND is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the Arts and regularly advises a total of 33 state universities. The center is currently implementing an alumni network in Bavaria as a pilot project for the integration of Indian students.
The India Skilled Workforce Strategy is to be officially presented next week as part of the Indo-German government consultations.