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Ceremony: Hof University of Applied Sciences awards 25 German Scholarships

Hof University of Applied Sciences has now awarded Germany scholarships for the eleventh time. A total of 25 new scholarship holders were selected for the grant period 2022/23 and received their certificates from the President of Hof University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann. The young students will all receive a grant of 3600 EUR for at least one year. The sponsorship amount is usually shared by private companies as well as foundations and the federal government.

Back from left: Ferdinand Merz (Vishay), Christoph Gallersdörfer (Vishay), Claus Beyerlein (Hof University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Anita Oswald (Hof University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marco Linß (Hof University of Applied Sciences), Melanie Fiedler-Zapf (Hof University of Applied Sciences), Ursula Triller (Netzsch), Bastian Wächter (Netzsch); 2nd row h.f.l..: Jochen Siebert (Vishay), Yannick Lehmann, David Rajwa (Thüga SmartService), Christian Heller (Thüga), Janik Richter, Frank Gentzwein (TÜV SÜD), Christian Kießling, Florian Gießler, Vincent Tischler, Anna Presser, Volker Plotz (KSB); 3rd row h.f.l.. amira Khider, Hannes Hüttner, Hannes Steinel, Katharina Zander (F&P), Maria Gerbatsch, Lukas Töpfer, Nicolas Müller, Jessica Wirth; 2nd row from left to right.: Isabell Zipfel, Nathalie Quehl, Jonas Othmann, Johanna Pohl (Dennree), Isabell Korn, Cassandra Hommel, Sophia Markstein, Jasmin Rose Mundackal, Nirupama Nair, Aljo Mathew, Akshay Dharmaraj Wani, Ute Coenen (Hof University of Applied Sciences); front from left: Johannes Dietrich, Evi Hoch (WILO Foundation), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The Deutschlandstipendium has been in existence since 2011 and is a nationwide scholarship program for talented students at state and state-recognized universities. In addition to good grades, social commitment and special personal achievements – such as successfully overcoming hurdles in one’s own educational biography – also count in the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium. Hof University of Applied Sciences has been a program partner from the very beginning and has already been able to raise around one million euros in funding for young talent through the scholarship.

In addition to companies, associations, foundations and private individuals can also act as sponsors. Some supporters are particularly committed: The Wilo Foundation, for example, provides the private share for ten scholarships each year, while the companies Netzsch and ThügaSmartmetering GmbH do the same for three talents each year.

At Hof University of Applied Sciences, the following sponsors, among others, currently support the Deutschlandstipendium:
Wilo Foundation, Erich Netzsch Holding GmbH & C0.KG, ThügaSmartmetering GmbH, KSB Stiftung, Dennree GmbH, F&P GmbH, TÜV Süd;

Those interested in a sponsorship partnership can contact:
Claus Beyerlein: 09281 / 4093342

More information about the scholarship itself at:

Melanie Fiedler-Zapf
Claus Beyerlein

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