The SMD University Group Hof (Network of Christians in Schools, Universities and Professions) invites you to a public lecture at Hof University of Applied Sciences on October 22. Under the title “Drugs and God: paradises in this world and the hereafter – a pharmaceutical view of this society’s means of escape”, Prof. Dr. Peter Imming from the University of Halle will speak on the subject of drugs and their significance in society.

Prof. Dr. Peter Imming regularly holds or has held lectures on drugs in schools and for addiction counseling teachers as well as at addiction rehab clinics. At the University of Halle, he conducts research into potential drug metabolites as cannabis receptor ligands and gives highly acclaimed lectures to pharmacy students. His lecture at Hof University will focus on a pharmaceutical view of the topic of “drugs” and the question of which paradises people seek to achieve with them.
The SMD university group is a non-denominational student initiative. During the university semester, it organizes a programme of theme evenings, discussion groups, weekend leisure activities and public campaigns.
The event starts on October 22, 2024 at 7.30 pm in room B023 (Audimax).