Hof University of Applied Sciences invites interested schoolgirls from grades 5 to 9 to Girls` Day 2023 at the Hof and Münchberg campuses on Thursday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The girls can choose from various workshops on topics such as “Virtual Reality”, “Lasercutting” or “Towel Design” and experience how interesting scientific, technical and technology-related professions are.

Girls` Day takes place throughout Germany and is coordinated by the Competence Center for Technology Diversity Equal Opportunity. On this day, companies, universities and research centers throughout Germany open their doors especially for girls and show them career prospects in the MINT sector. The success of Girls` Day is underpinned by an impact study from last year: after taking part in Girls` Day, schoolgirls actually think more often about taking up a STEM profession. One more reason for the university to offer a varied program again this year.
The detailed program of this year’s Girls` Day at Hof University of Applied Sciences as well as the possibility to register is available on the Internet at https://www.hof-university.de/studium/informationen/schuelerangebote/girls-day.html