For the seventh time, hochschule dual, together with the Bavarian Business Association (Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. (vbw) and the Bavarian metal and electrical employers’ associations (bayme vbm) awarded the Dualissimo prize to outstanding dual graduates from Bavarian universities of applied sciences. During the virtual award ceremony, Bavaria’s Minister of Science Bernd Sibler honored the five award winners in total. One of them: Sophie Kant, student at Hof University of Applied Sciences and employee at the company RAPA – Rausch & Pausch in Selb. The award is endowed with 3,000 euros each.

Sophie Kant was honored in the category “Dual Bachelor’s degree Verbund”. In 2015, she had chosen to study Business Administration Dual at Hof University of Applied Sciences in combination with training as an industrial clerk. “Back in 2012, she had received the RAPA Excellence Award as the best Realschule graduate in her elective group. During her time at the high school, the contact with RAPA enabled an exchange about future perspectives. So it was quickly clear to both sides that the joint journey should continue in the form of dual studies.” And further
The successes speak for themselves: Sophie Kant was named the best graduate of the IHK final examination for industrial clerk in Upper Franconia. She successfully completed her bachelor’s degree as one of the best in her class.”
Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos, Scientific Director “hochschule dual”
Sophie Kant is currently completing a dual master’s degree in project management, after which she will be taken on in personnel development at RAPA.
Jury from science and business
More than 130 graduates of a dual study program responded to the call for applications for “Dualissimo”. A jury from academia and industry then selected the winners, taking into account not only their excellent academic achievements but also their commitment during the course of their studies and their further involvement, such as voluntary work or a period abroad.
Diverse development opportunities for dual students
Minister of Science Bernd Sibler emphasized
A dual course of study combines sound theory with comprehensive practice in a unique way. Young people who choose this path have a wide range of very attractive professional development opportunities.
Bernd Sibler, Bavarian Minister of State for Science and the Arts
He added: “I can therefore offer my double congratulations to the graduates honored today. Congratulations on your dual studies and especially on your very successful graduation. With the skills you have acquired over the past years at our universities and in companies, you are highly sought-after specialists who can play a decisive role in shaping our future in the Free State. We need you for strong companies in Bavaria as a business location.”

Oriented to the needs of industry
Award for talent partner RAPA
Talent partners were also honored during the event. “We at RAPA feel very honored by the award, because it shows that our commitment to training and dual studies is bearing fruit,” said Stefanie Sonntag, Head of Human Resources Development at RAPA in Selb. Establishing a dual study program at universities and in companies is associated with effort at the beginning. For Prof. Dr. Franz Boos, scientific director of hochschule dual, this is an investment that pays off
The Dualissimo award winners are an asset for their talent partners, for their universities and for dual study in Bavaria.”
Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos, Scientific Director “hochschule dual”
For more information on the competition and the complete laudations, visit: