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Hof University receives 2.7 million euros from ERDF program for technology transfer

To support technology transfer between universities and small and medium-sized enterprises, the Bavarian Ministry of Science is funding projects at Hof University of Applied Sciences with around 2.7 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Source: www.efre-bayern.de;

This sum was announced today by Science Minister Markus Blume.

By transferring the scientific excellence of our universities into practice, we strengthen our companies in a time of great transformations in global competition. Small and medium-sized companies in particular benefit enormously from cutting-edge research in areas such as digitization and sustainability.”

Markus Blume, Bavarian Minister of Science

The EU’s ERDF funding program

The EU’s ERDF funding program supports technology transfer projects between a university and several Bavarian companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With the aim of stimulating further innovations in SMEs, the companies are to be supported in current issues. The content of the funded projects is aimed at the priority fields of life sciences, digitization, materials, mobility and energy. The projects are to be funded for a period of two to five years. The call for projects was divided into two project rounds with different application deadlines, so some projects could already start at the beginning of 2023. In 2023, there will be another call for further applications.

The following projects will be funded at Hof University of Applied Sciences:

  • Energy self-sufficiency in regionally networked small and medium-sized enterprises
    (EnerKMU, from 01 July) – funding amount: up to around 880,000
  • Multi-modal human-machine interface with AI (M4-SKI; from March 1, 2023) – funding amount: up to around 1.16 million euros
  • Technology transfer for the sustainable circular economy of polymer and biopolymer materials through the application of smart, networked processes and innovative techniques for CO2 reduction (TechCirclePolymers) – funding amount: up to around EUR 690,000

    More information about the EFRE program in Bavaria can be found here…

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