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ibp: School visits on bioplastics and recycling topics

Hof University of Applied Sciences recently visited three schools in the Hof region to inform pupils about current topics relating to sustainability and recycling as well as research work with bioplastics. Researchers Isabell Kleiber and Christin Baumgart from the Institute for Circular Economy of Bio:Polymers at Hof University of Applied Sciences provided information to a total of four classes at the Angerschule in Hof, the Mittelschule in Naila and the Grundschule Münchberg.

The children in classes 1b and 1c at Münchberg elementary school with class leaders Stefanie Popp (1b, left) and Stefanie Schöffel (1c, right); source: Hof University of Applied Sciences

As part of the “TechCirclePolymers” research project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the pupils were given lots of information about the university’s current research projects in the field of bioplastics and were also able to take part in a recycling quiz, among other things. In a hands-on project, the students were able to plant their own cress in specially developed, sustainable flower pots. The special thing about these flower pots is that they are made from a mix of bakery waste and a bio-based and biodegradable bioplastic. This means that the pot can be planted directly into the soil after a certain “growing phase” when the plant is used at a later date, saving an additional step of potting out.

The project is being carried out in collaboration with Backhaus Fickenscher GmbH and BKW Kunststofftechnik GmbH.

Rainer Krauß

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