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Improved equipment: university equips more rooms with new swivel chairs

With the start of the winter semester, rooms 012 and 102 in Building B at the Hof Campus were equipped with over 90 new and comfortable swivel chairs from VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken GmbH & Co. KG. These can be used by students in addition to the regular lecture, seminar and internship program during the 24-hour opening hours. The new furniture is financed by so-called study grants. These are financial means of the Free State of Bavaria, which are available to the universities to improve the study conditions. The money does not affect capacity, i.e. it is not intended for the creation of study places, but for the improvement of existing places.

View in room B 102 with the new, comfortable swivel chairs; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The Spokespersons’ Council of Hof University has a say in deciding how the study grants are used, and the proposal to equip the two rooms with the comfortable chairs came directly from the representatives of this student body.

Kirsten Hölzel

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