A great day of joy for the entire Hof University of Applied Sciences: At the end of September, the new research center of the Hof University of Applied Sciences was inaugurated in the presence of Bavaria’s Minister of Science Bernd Sibler.
Innovative research in a textile region rich in tradition
The technical center with its focus on textile technology and air conditioning at the Münchberg campus builds a bridge from the region’s industrial tradition to research of the present and future. “In search of the perfect fiber” was the headline of the regional press the following day – a very apt title for the future endeavors of the researchers in Münchberg. The technical center is supported to a large extent by the Free State of Bavaria, but also by the local textile industry.
With the research topics of nonwovens technology and textile composites using high-performance fibers such as carbon and ceramics, Hof University now has a unique selling point
Three-year construction period
To expand the above-mentioned research activities, which include innovative fields of application in aerospace and turbine technology, among others, a new building was erected in Münchberg during a three-year construction period, which will house a carbon and a nonwovens technical center with state-of-the-art machinery as well as office and seminar rooms
Free State of Bavaria provides funding of over 9 million euros
The Free State of Bavaria provided the university with 9.56 million euros for this purpose.
Science Minister Bernd Sibler emphasized: “At the Münchberg campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences, science and business, tradition and innovation go hand in hand: here, the university and companies are conducting joint research into sustainable textiles of the future
This technology campus shows that our universities of applied sciences are raising their profile with a view to the local economic structure and are thus drivers of innovation in the regions.
Bernd Sibler, Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts
With the new construction of the Textile Technology Center, we are further expanding the Münchberg campus and thus ensuring even more attractive framework conditions. With this investment we are strengthening the region, here we are shaping the future!”
At the Münchberg Campus, more than 400 students are enrolled in the degree programs Media Design, Textile Design, Innovative Textiles and Sustainable Textiles. Lectures and seminars of the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering are also partly held in Münchberg
Fraunhofer Application Center on site
In addition, the Institute for Material Sciences at Hof University of Applied Sciences (ifm) with the Innovative Textiles Research Group and, since June 2014, the Fraunhofer Application Center Textile Fiber Ceramics TFK are located there. The combined carbon and nonwovens technical center is intended to further enhance the attractiveness of the Münchberg campus in terms of teaching and research. The aim is to develop a textile competence center with charisma for the whole of Upper Franconia. “With the technical center at the Münchberg Campus, we are transferring traditional competencies into innovative, fiber-oriented fields of the future, which will give Hof University of Applied Sciences a unique profile and lend additional strength to the region and Bavaria as a whole,” said Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, president of Hof University of Applied Sciences.
“With the technical center at the Münchberg campus, we are transferring traditional competencies into innovative, fiber-oriented fields of the future, which give Hof University of Applied Sciences a unique profile as well as providing additional strength to the region and Bavaria as a whole”
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, President Hof University of Applied Sciences