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IT Manager Dietmar Eckardt takes well-deserved retirement

Dietmar Eckardt, the long-time head of the IT Systems and Organization department, retired from the Hof University of Applied Sciences at the end of September 2020 after ten years of service

As a graduate in business informatics, Mr. Eckardt held management positions in several companies before taking up his position at Hof University of Applied Sciences in December 2010. He restructured the then existing data center into a modern IT department and introduced new systems and technologies

Looking back on major changes

Last but not least, his renewal program also included gradually equipping the entire staff with laptops instead of standalone PCs. This, along with the introduction of the United Communication facility, enabled the college to maintain full service operations during the Corona lockdown.

from left: President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann, Chancellor Dagmar Pechstein, Dietmar Eckardt and Katja Haselbach (Human Resources).

In a small ceremony, the President and Chancellor paid tribute to his services and wished Mr. Eckardt all the best for his retirement.

Rainer Krauß
Dagmar Pechstein

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